Membership of isirv is open to individual scientists, clinicians, public health experts, and others with a direct interest and involvement in the areas of the Society's work.
Membership Benefits:
- Solidarity: Be an active part of the only global scientific association for influenza and other respiratory virus researchers.
- Journal: The isirv journal, Influenza and other Respiratory Viruses - 10% reduction in cost for paper submission.
- Online resources: Where possible, presentations from invited speakers at most scientific meetings, are uploaded in the Members' Area.
- Conferences: Reduced rates for registration at isirv meetings. That includes the Options for the Control of Influenza conferences which are recognised as the primary scientific gatherings for influenza.
- Special Interest Groups: The chance to be active within special groups wihin isirv.
- Involvement: The chance to stand for and to vote in elections to the Board of isirv; and to participate in our Annual General Meetings.
The membership fee is 85 GBP. Your membership is normally valid for one year from date of submission. However, until 30 June 2021, your membership will be valid for 2 years. isirv is proud to offer a special 50% membership fee for students and colleagues from developing nations. To signup for membership please click here